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Sunday, July 22, 2012



     I just need to get something off my chest, so bare with me. 

     Those of you with weaker tolerance for the pitifully misinformed and painfully stupid may wish to leave the site. 

     Those of you who have been desensitized to the stupidity of the lowest of our species to the point of finding a sick yet amusing irony in the things they say may wish to stay on the site, because this is right up your alley. 

WARNING: Content is incredibly, nauseatingly, frustratingly, mindbendinlgy, absurdly dumb. 
View discretion is advised. 

     That's Rush Limbaugh for you, folks! 

     I don't know where to begin, and on top of that, I'm falling asleep at my keyboard, so I'm going to keep this as concise as possible. 

  1.      Rush Limbaugh had not seen The Dark Knight Rises when this was recorded. 
  2.      There is an overwhelming probability that Rush Limbaugh has not read any of the source material that The Dark Knight Rises is based on, as he is unfamiliar with the fact that Bane has been a recurring character since 1993 in Batman comics.  
  3.     Concluding from what he said in the above recording, I'm lead to believe that Rush Limbaugh has not seen the previous two films in the Dark Knight Trilogy. 
  4.    Assuming that the previous three statements are true, it is very unlikely that Rush Limbaugh has concluded that The Dark Knight Rises (as well as Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, for that matter) are an attempt by Christopher Nolan to deconstruct the idea of a "comic book movie" and remove the more fantastical elements, leaving the skeleton of a comic book's characters and story arks as bare and cold as possible. 
     Where am I going with this? I don't really know. I just want to point out that the Dark Knight is, in a certain sense, Republican Propaganda. The entire theme of the story can be summed up with the following: 

     "Wow, this city sure is impoverished and crime-infested." 

     "Don't worry, fellow working/lower-class person. I'm sure the rich people will do something to save us." 

     "You're right. Look in the sky! It's the Upper-Class-Business-Executive Signal!" 

     "Hurray! Now the wealthy corporate business and real patriots who are just trying to help out can save us poor folk from the sting of our own failure." 

     "But, what's this? Now Upper-Class-Business-Executive is using his crime-fighting technology to turn our cell-phones into surveillance devices!"

     "Don't worry, I'm sure Upper-Class-Business-Executive only has our best interests in mind as he is using a combination of his own personal profits and government grants to basically spy on our every move in order to stop the bad guy. He is, after all, doing this all for us." 

    In essence, The Dark Knight Trilogy is preaching about the patriot act and Trickle-Down super-heroics. 

     As an addendum, the movie version of Bane is a Robin Hood figure who rallies the Occupy Wall Street movement into an anti-corporation, socialest revolutionary army. If Christopher Nolan were trying to parody a candidate with that sort of portrayal, it would be President Obama, not Mitt Romney. 

     Get your facts straight before you go off on these rants, Rush Limbaugh, or else nobody will take you seriously. 

1 comment:

  1. as we've discussed ... Limbaugh and other propogandists have little concern for facts
