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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Apologist Philosophies

     It came to my attention today at the cafeteria lunch table that a story I posted last week (the one about Anime vs. Comic Books) may have offended some people. The friends that I mentioned as holding pro-Japanese pop culture stances commented on the misinformed nature of my "Anti-anime rant." The way I see it, if I offended my closest friends, chances are some of the other people out there, namely the ones I don't know in person.

     The Anime thing wasn't the only post that I received some complaints about. An acquaintance spent a full three hours sending me hate mail through Facebook's instant-messaging service because of my support of Barack Obama. The kicker is that this guy isn't a conservative, he's a libertarian: he says that President Obama is too conservative. I suppose there must be others out there who feel the same way but lacked the outlet for complaints.

     Now that I've listed all of the things that I should probably apologize for, I'm going to make a point of not apologizing. When some people say "offensive," I say "though provoking." If you'll notice at the top of the page, my mission statement is to "enlighten some and infuriate others" and my reasoning behind this is that anger leads to different perspectives. If you feel offended by any of my content, that means that I'm doing my job. It means that you're reading a perspective you disagree with, which can lead to new discoveries about yourself, about others, and about controversial topics. So feel free to be angry. I encourage it. What's more, if you feel particularly infuriated and motivated to express your fury, please leave a scathing comment or shoot me an angry email. Just no death threats. My email server has a screen for stuff like that.

     Well, that was thoroughly serious. To ease the tension, here's a picture of two Darth Travolta and Samuel L. Fett.

"And I will execute great vengeance upon the Rebellion with furious force choking; and when I send my probe-droids out to find them, they shall know that I am the Lord Vader." Palpatine- 25:17

Sunday, September 9, 2012


     Okay, this is a little divergent from my normal fares on this site, but I need to get it out there into the vast reaches of the world wide web.

     Do you ever get that feeling, when you're so tired that you become euphoric on your own exhaustion? It's the sort of feeling when, at 2 a.m. after a long day, you sit down to watch a mindless comedy like Pineapple Express or anything Adam Sandler has ever produced and, inexplicably, you end up laughing your head off? Under any other state of consciousness, you know that you wouldn't find stuff like that funny, but you can't help but find it hilarious because you're just so frickin' tired?

Oh god, my fatigue makes me want to laugh at this... 

     Well, if you are familiar with this state of mind, answer me this: Do you ever get really angry when you're that tired? An insatiable frustration arises in you that you can only answer by falling asleep and waking up in eight hours thinking "Wow, why did I get so irrationally angry at Lando Calrissian for spending three years in Jabba's palace without freeing Han? I must have been really tired. Or high." 

     I had this feeling last night after a party that ran from 3 to 10 p.m. I was falling asleep at about 1 or 1:30, and I was just so angry at the universe. Why? Because quidditch doesn't exist. I brought myself to the point of tears because I was indescribably frustrated that I couldn't just hop on a broomstick and through the quaffle through one of the three goal posts. 

     "Why, God," I demanded. "Why would you create a universe where wizarding sports only exist in the depths of our imaginations? Please, please let me play quidditch, God! I need this. Just this one thing!" 

     Thank you for humoring my arguably broken sanity. I swear I won't post anything this weird again unless it's both weird and informative. Or funny. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Superman vs. Goku

     As promised, here's a little light-hearted but deep-minded follow up to that horrible political drama from earlier this week. But first, as always, allow me to bore you with an exposition-dump of background information (and also a cover illustration to tie the title in to the rest of the post):

This is only tangentially related to the meat of this article. 

     So, the above image, for those of you who were born and raised on Mars or at the bottom of the ocean, is of Goku, a Japanese character famous for his incarnations in the Dragon Ball manga/anime and its spinoffs and remakes fighting Superman, who is perhaps the single most influential fictional character in history. So, why, exactly are these two superhuman characters duking it out with their otherworldly powers? 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Penultimate Straw

This has become a little obsolete even before I publish it, as the political figures in question have become a sort of punchline of late, but I feel as if my two cents, for what they're worth (probably significantly less than two cents), should be contributed to the sea of screaming trolls that is the internet.

     So, the topic of today's rambling, incoherent rant on politics: Politicians rambling incoherently. What political figures will I be talking about ramblingly and incoherently, specifically? Well, since you asked:

You should watch this, if you somehow haven't seen it already. 

   There is one other authority figure that I will be spitting on and directing my incalcuable fury at today, though. Who might that be? you ask. 

     Do I even have to tell you? 
Yep, I'm jumping on this bandwagon.