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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Penultimate Straw

This has become a little obsolete even before I publish it, as the political figures in question have become a sort of punchline of late, but I feel as if my two cents, for what they're worth (probably significantly less than two cents), should be contributed to the sea of screaming trolls that is the internet.

     So, the topic of today's rambling, incoherent rant on politics: Politicians rambling incoherently. What political figures will I be talking about ramblingly and incoherently, specifically? Well, since you asked:

You should watch this, if you somehow haven't seen it already. 

   There is one other authority figure that I will be spitting on and directing my incalcuable fury at today, though. Who might that be? you ask. 

     Do I even have to tell you? 
Yep, I'm jumping on this bandwagon. 

     Just a disclaimer before  I continue: Todd Akin said things that are grossly offensive and may
make some of you wish to pull your own hair out and jump in front of a bus. If, by some miracle, you have not heard his absurdly anti-feminist and, frankly, really creepy speech, watch the above video. If you are under, I dunno,  15 or something, please, use discretion. It's disturbing, what he says. 

     Anyway, there might be a little ambiguity about my political affiliations after that other political thing I wrote about a month ago, claiming to be a steadfast supporter of the Bull Moose Party. Just to clarify, I am not an enormous fan of President Obama. I liked him a lot more four years ago than I do now. That isn't to say that I dislike him as a president: it's not his fault that he's ineffective- it's Congress's. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, is, to put it bluntly, the Machine that Rage Against the Machine rages against (or so says Tom Morello). He's not an evil person (I think. I could be wrong), he just thinks that money is more important than trifles like human dignity and equality. Also, I tend to err on the side of Liberal, mainly because of past presidents (I'm looking at you, Texan war-mongering hate-monkey and Junior), and this current election is no exception. 

     As if on que, these videos are two of the most powerful arguments against the Republican party. The best part is, they write themselves. So, for convenience sake, just watch the videos up at the top of the post. It's okay, I'll wait.... 

      Did you watch them? 

      What did you think? 

      I know, right?!? 

      Okay, so now is the point when I get all analytical and try to take a part both of the videos and describe how they detract from the G.O.P.'s campaign.... so that's what I think I'll do. 

      Let's start with the Clint Eastwood thing, because that's the funny one: 

  • Firstly, I don't think Clint Eastwood is a stark-raving lunatic politically, as much as he (and the entire internet would have me believe otherwise). He's supported the Republican party for years, and he put his support behind Mitt Romney long before Romney started changing all of his stances to seem more "Traditionally Conservative". Eastwood is pro-choice and pro-equal marriage rights, so he obviously knows more than the average Republican senator as far as social policies go. 
  • Secondly, that whole bit with the chair is, as far as I can tell, not indicative of early-onset Alzheimers. Nor is it, I think, a sign of Eastwood's lack of ability to speak without preparation. (That whole conversation with Invis-O-Bama was unscripted, much to the chagrin of the National Convention planners.) I think he knew what he was trying to do. He certainly seemed crazy, but I think that's the idea. 
  • Thirdly, I don't think that Clint Eastwood wants Paul Ryan in the White House. Clint Eastwood is the rare sort of Republican who appears to have a modicum of logic these days, what with other members of the party doing and saying things like Todd Akin said and did (more on that later). 

     I know that those bullet points may be a little hard to digest, what with the whole gist of them being "No, seriously, Clint Eastwood isn't actually a crazy person!".  I found myself doubting my own statements when I wrote them, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that I am not going to join the throngs of people who condemn Eastwood and his whole career over this debacle. It was ill advised. It was rambling and incoherent. It will probably impact the G.O.P. campaign this year. It is not signaling the end of a great actor and director's career and sanity.  

     And now, to lighten the mood: 

Huh huh. Clint Eastwood. 

     Well, that whole segment on Eastwood turned out way longer than I had intended. The Todd Akin bit will come later on this week. Tomorrow, though, I'll post something significantly less depressing. 

     Until then, stay tuned, True Believers. 

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